
Symbolic detour.

It is straighforward to symbolize existing classes and functions, but in order to use them, we need to replace the classes that were used in existing code with the symbolic ones. Sometimes, we just cannot modify existing source code. Or in some other cases, objects created within a function or a class method are not exposed to the external, therefore we cannot manipulate them as a part of the symbolic tree. For example:

def foo():
  # Object `a` is not a part of `foo`'s interface,
  # therefore it cannot be seen from the symbolic tree
  # that contains a `foo` object.
  a = A(1)
  return a.do_something()

Symbolic detour is introduced to address these use cases, which redirects the __new__ method of a class to another class or function when it’s evaluated under a context manager. Symbolic detour is not dependent on symbolization, so in theory it can be used for detouring any classes. Therefore, it does not require the presence of symbolic objects for mutating the program.
