
Program genome and genotypes.

Program genome (DNA) is a representation for encoding actions for manipulating symbolic objects. Genotypes (pg.DNASpec) are the specification on how to generate them. Genotypes are separated from their corresponding hyper values (pyglove.HyperValue) which generate client-side objects, in the aim to decouple the algorithms that generate genomes from the ones that consume them. As a result, the algorithms can be applied on different user programs for optimization.

digraph genotypes {
   node [shape="box"];
   edge [arrowtail="empty" arrowhead="none" dir="back" style="dashed"];
   dna_spec [label="DNASpec" href="dna_spec.html"]
   space [label="Space" href="space_class.html"];
   dp [label="DecisionPoint" href="decision_point.html"];
   choices [label="Choices" href="choices.html"];
   float [label="Float" href="float.html"];
   custom [label="CustomDecisionPoint" href="custom_decision_point.html"];
   dna [label="DNA", href="dna.html"]
   dna_spec -> space;
   dna_spec -> dp;
   space -> dp [arrowtail="diamond" style="none" label="elements"];
   dp -> choices;
   choices -> space [arrowtail="diamond" style="none" label="candidates"];
   dp -> float;
   dp -> custom;
   dna -> dna [arrowtail="diamond" style="none" label="children"];
   dna -> dna_spec [arrowhead="normal" dir="forward" style="none"

Genotypes map 1:1 to hyper primitives as the following:

