Symbolic Operations#

Symbolic operations are operations that can be applied on any node in a symbolic tree. They are organized into 5 categories:

  • Topological: Symbolic tree access, traversal and query.

  • Semantical: Common semantics for symbols, such as partial, pure symbolic, and etc.

  • Replication: Symbolic tree cloning and serialization.

  • Mutation: Mutating nodes in a symbolic tree in various ways.

  • Tracking: Tracking creation of objects for debugging.

To make it easy to demostrate symbolic operations, we uses a symbolic object zoo as the operation target:

zoo = Zoo(
    name='San Diego Zoo',
    city='San Diego',
        Cage(animal=Python('Bob', color='black')),

When we talk about “manipulating the symbolic tree” under the context of a zoo-based program, it means to change one or more sub-nodes within zoo.


Starting from an arbitrary node in a symbolic tree (e.g. Cage, Python, Shark from the code above), PyGlove allows the user to access any other nodes in the tree. To do so, PyGlove maintains bi-directional links between containing/contained symbolic objects, allowing update notifications to propagate through them.


Users can access the root of current symbolic tree via property sym_root. For example:

assert zoo.sym_root is zoo
assert zoo.exhibits[0].sym_root is zoo
assert zoo.exhibits[0].animal.sym_root is zoo

Parent Node#

Similarly, users can access the immediate parent (the containing node) of a symbolic value via property sym_parent. For example, the Cage object in the zoo has exhibits (a symbolic list) as its parent:

assert zoo.exhibits[0].sym_parent is zoo.exhibits[0]


PyGlove automatically sets the parent of a symbolic object when assignment happens. For example:

shark = Shark('Jack')
assert shark.sym_parent is None
assert shark.sym_path == ''

pool  = Pool(animal=shark)
assert shark.sym_parent is pool
assert shark.sym_path == 'x'


sym_ancestor can be useful when users require an ancestor in the containing chain that meets specific criteria instead of the root or immediate parent. For instance, the following code illustrates how to retrieve the nearest Zoo object from an Animal object located in a zoo:

assert zoo.exhibts[0].animal.sym_ancestor(lambda x: isinstance(x, Zoo)) is zoo

Child Nodes#

Child nodes (aka. symbolic attributes) mean different things for different symbolic types:

  • For symbolic classes, the child nodes are the arguments of __init__ method, which can be accessed through sym_init_args. For example:

    class Foo:
      def __init__(self, x):
        self._x = x
    f = Foo(1)
    assert f.sym_init_args['x'] == 1


    For symbolic classes that are created from subclassing pg.Object, the symbolic attributes can also be accessed through object properties with the argument names:

      ('x', pg.typing.Int())
    class Foo(pg.Object):
    f = Foo(1)
    assert f.x == f.sym_init_args.x
  • For symbolic functions, the child nodes are the bound arguments of the function, which can be directly accessed through its properties as well as sym_init_args:

    def foo(x):
      return x ** 2
    f = foo(1)
    assert f.x == 1
    assert f.sym_init_args['x'] == 1
  • For symbolic lists, the child nodes are the items in the list, which can be directedly acccessed via the [] operator with their indices:

    l = pg.List([1, 2, 3])
    assert l[0] == 1
  • For symbolic dicts, the child nodes are the key/value pairs stored in the dict, which can be accessed via either the [] operator, or the dict attributes:

    d = pg.Dict(x=1, y=2)
    assert d.x == 1
    assert d['x'] == 1

The following table illustrates the uniform APIs to test and access symbolic attributes across symbolic types:




Test if a child key exists


Get the value of a child by key.


Iterate the child keys


Iterate the child values


Iterate child key/value pairs

For example:

list(zoo.sym_keys()) == ['name', 'city', 'exhibits']
list(zoo.sym_values())[0] == 'San Diego Zoo'
list(zoo.sym_items())[0] == ('name', 'San Diego Zoo')

zoo.sym_hasattr('name') == True
zoo.sym_getattr('name') == 'San Diego Zoo'


In addition to accessing immediate child nodes, sym_descendants is a handy tool to retrieve all nodes in the sub-tree. Users can also specify a filter function (using the argument “where”) and choose whether to include intermediate nodes, leaves, or both in the returned nodes (using the argument “option”). For instance, consider the following code, which demonstrates how to select all animals from a zoo:

assert zoo.sym_descendants(lambda x: isinstance(x, Animal)) == [
    Python('Bob', color='black'), Shark('Jack')]


Each symbolic object has a unique location within a symbolic tree, represented a key path (pg.KeyPath), which is a path consists of the keys from the root node to the current node.

For example, a.b[0].c is a path with height 4:

  • Level 0: a symbolic object or dict as the root node, bearing an empty key;

  • Level 1: a symbolic object or dict assigned to attribute a of the root node;

  • Level 2: a symbolic list assigned to attribute b of the level-1 node;

  • Level 3: a symbolic object or dict assigned to the first item of the level-2 list;

  • Level 4: a value assigned to argument c of the level-3 node.

Property sym_path is the API to access the symbolic location, which is set when a symbolic object is added into a symbolic tree, and will be updated when the hierarchy of the tree changes.


IS-A and HAS-A are two common relationships among symbolic representations. Symbolic objects are the instances of their symbolic classes, therefore IS-A relation can be easily tested through isinstance operator in Python. For HAS-A relation, pg.contains does the job. For example:

def foo(x, y):

def bar(a, b):

f = foo(1, 2)
b = bar(f, 3)
# `f` has a `IS-A` relation with class `foo`.
assert isinstance(f, foo)
assert isinstance(b, bar)

# `f` has a `HAS-A` relation with integer 2.
assert pg.contains(f, 2)
# `HAS-A` relation is transitive.
assert pg.contains(b, 2)

# `HAS-A` can be tested on types as well.
# The following code is to query whether `b` contains any sub-node of type `foo`.
assert pg.contains(b, type=foo)


pg.traverse is the API for facilitating symbolic tree traversal:

  • Users provide either a pre-order visitor function or a post-order visitor function, or both to perform the traversal;

  • Each visitor function takes a tuple of (key_path, value, parent) as the input and returns an action (see pg.TraverseAction) to indicate whether to continue the traversal, stop or just skip current branch.

For example:

def print_integers(key_path, value, parent):
  if isintance(value, int) and isinstance(parent, Foo):
    print(key_path, value)
  return pg.symbolic.TraverseAction.ENTER

# Print all integer arguments of `Foo` objects in the
# symbolic tree.
pg.traverse(tree, print_integers)


pg.query is the helper when the user needs to query a symbolic tree, which selects nodes from the tree based on user defined predicates:

  • A regular expression can be provided to perform path-based filtering;

  • A value selector can be provided to perform value-based filtering;

  • OR a custom selector can be provided to perform more complex filtering based on a node’s path, value and parent node.

For example:

    ('x', schema.Int()),
    ('y', schema.Int())
class A(symbolic.Object):

value = {
  'a1': A(x=0, y=1),
  'a2': [A(x=1, y=1), A(x=1, y=2)],
  'a3': {
    'p': A(x=2, y=1),
    'q': A(x=2, y=2)

# Query by path regex.
print(symbolic.query(value, r'.*p'))
# {'a3.p': A(x=2, y=1)}

# Query by value.
print(symbolic.query(value, where=lambda v: v==2))
# {
#    'a2[1].y': 2,
#    'a3.p.x': 2,
#    'a3.q.x': 2,
#    'a3.q.y': 2,
# }

# Query by path, value and parent.
    value, r'.*y',
    where=lambda v, p: v > 1 and isinstance(p, A) and p.x == 1))
# {
#    'a2[1].y': 2,
# }

On top of pg.query, pg.inspect provides a shortcut to query nodes from a symbolic tree and print them to the standard output.


A symbolic tree can be presented nicely for human consumption. By default, all symbolic types override __repr__ and __str__ so a human-readable format can be shown during debugging:

  • __repr__ formats a symbolic tree into a single-line string representation, which is usually used in error messages;

  • __str__ formats a symbolic tree into a multi-line string representation, which is usually used in debugging purposes.

Both of these methods are based on pg.format, which provides a rich set of features for formatting symbolic trees. For example, exclude the keys that have the default values from the string representation:

   ('x', pg.typing.Int()),
   ('y', pg.typing.Int(default=2)),
class Foo(pg.Object):

foo = Foo(1, 2)
# Foo(
#   x=1,
#   y=2
# )

print(foo.format(compact=False, hide_default_values=True))
# Foo(
#   x=1
# )


In software development, oftentimes developers need to work with object representations rather than their states. This poses a requirement such as comparing the equality of two representations, hashing objects using their representations, and cloning objects through their representations instead of duplicating their entire state. The APIs necessary for achieving these objectives are discussed in this section.


Symbolic equality is determined by matching types and equal symbolic attributes, regardless of the internal states being identical or not. For example:

class File:

  def __init__(self, file_path):
    self._file_path = file_path
    self._file_handle = None

  def read(self, bytes):
    self._file_handle = open(self._file_path)

path = 'a.json'
f1 = File(path)
# `` triggers the creation of `f1._file_handle`.

f2 = File(path)
assert pg.eq(f1, f2)

f1 and f2 are considered equal as they have the same file_path, even their _file_handle are different.

Symbolic equality can be tested via pg.eq and

  • For symbolic objects, member methods sym_eq and sym_eq will be called to determine whether they are symbolically equal or not.

  • For non-symbolic objects, the comparison will be delegated to object.__eq__ and object.__ne__.


For symbolic classes which subclass pg.Object, whether to use symbolic equality as the default __eq__/__ne__/__hash__ behavior can be customized by class variable use_symbolic_comparison, which is set to True by default. For symbolized classes via pg.symbolize, this can be achieved by specifying the eq argument to pg.symbolize, which is set to False by default.


Two symbolic objects can be compared not only for equality, but also for ordering. A symbolic object x is considered less than another symbolic object y when:

  • If x and y are comparable by their values, the operator __lt__ is used for comparison. (e.g. bool, int, float, str)

  • If x and y are of the same type and are symbolic containers (e.g. list, dict, pg.Symbolic), the order is determined by the order of their first differing sub-nodes. For example, ['b'] is greater than ['a', 'b'].

  • If x and y are not directly comparable and have different types, they are compared based on their types. The order of different types is as follows: pg.MISSING_VALUE, NoneType, bool, int, float, str, list, tuple, set, dict, functions/classes. If different functions or classes are compared, their order is determined by their qualified name.

  • Non-symbolic classes can define the method sym_lt to enable symbolic comparison.

Here are some examples:

assert, True) == Flase < True
assert, 1) == 0.1 < 1
assert'a', 'ab') == 'a' < 'ab'

assert['a'], ['a', 'b'])
assert['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b'])
assert{'x': 1}, {'x': 2})
assert{'x': 1}, {'y': 1})
assert, A(x=2))

assert, None)
assert, 1)
assert, 'abc')
assert'abc', [])
assert[], {})
assert[], A(x=1))

Similarly, determines if a symbolic object is greater than another symbolic object by its representation.


The semantics of symbolic hashing is aligned with equality: two symbolically equal objects should produce the same symbolic hash value.

In PyGlove, symbolic hash can be computed via pg.hash:

  • For symbolic objects, member method sym_hash will be called for computing the symbolic hash value.

  • For non-symbolic objects, PyGlove depends on their original hash semantics.


Always override sym_hash when sym_eq is overriden.


Besides, the symbolic differences between two objects can be obtained by pg.diff. pg.diff is a handy tool for figuring out which parts from the objects are different.

TODO(daiyip): add examples

Special Symbolic Forms#

PyGlove supports abstract objects through symbolic placeholding (see Symbolic Placeholding), which allows creating and manipulating symbolic objects that are merely representations. Here is a summary of operations that detects the forms of symbolic objects.






Test whether an object is abstract or not.



Test whether an object is partial or not.



Test whether an object is pure symbolic or not.



Test whether an object contains objects of pg.symbolic.NonDeterministic.

Besides, the following APIs offers capabilities to query the parts of special interests:



pg.Symbolic or pg.Symbolic

Query the missing values from the object.

pg.Symbolic or pg.Symbolic

Query the default values from the object.


Symbolic objects can be replicated in process or across processes. In-process replication is achieved by cloning, and inter-process replication is achieved by serialization/deserialization.


By default, symbolic replication does not deal with replication of internal states, which means a replicated symbolic object is equivalent to a freshly constructed object with the same binding parameters. But the user can optionally handle internal state replication by override the sym_clone and sym_jsonify methods.


Users can clone a symboic object via the pg.clone function or call the clone member method of the symbolic objects. The semantics of symbolic clone are the following:

  • For symbolic types, sym_clone will be called when cloning the object.

  • For non-symbolic types, __copy__ / __deepcopy__ will be called when cloning the object. The deep argument of pg.clone determines which function to use.

It is common that the user clones a symbolic object with overrides, this can be done with the overrides argument, which accepts a dictionary of path to values to override in the cloned object.

For example:

TODO(daiyip): add examples.


The automatic serialization/deserialization capability for symbolic objects is provided by member method sym_jsonify and class method from_json. sym_jsonify converts current symbolic object into a Python dict mapped from strings to basic python values, while from_json converts them back.

Based on the two methods, PyGlove provides a few helper methods for serialization and deserialization.




Converts a symbolic object into a plain Python dict.


Converts a plain Python dict into a symbolic object.


Converts a symbolic object into a JSON string.


Creates a symbolic object from a JSON string.

Saves a symbolic object into a file.


Loads a symbolic object from a file.


For deserialization to work, the user class definition needs to be imported first.

The save and load hook#

pg.set_save_handler and pg.set_load_handler are introduced for user to plug in custom IO operations when calling and pg.load. Through this, the user are able to load/save symbolic objects in cloud-based storages without changing the client code.


Symbolic mutation is the core of symbolic programming. PyGlove provides a rich set of APIs for mutating symbolic objects.

Location-based mutations#

Location-based mutation is a basic form of symbolic mutation. This can be achieved by the Symbolic.rebind interface, which takes a dict object. The keys in the dict are the key paths of the nodes whose values are to be replaced, and the values are their new values.

For example:

TODO: daiyip, add an example here.

Pattern-based mutations#

Oftentimes, the user mutates a symbolic object by rules. Many of these rules can be described as patterns, for example: change the name property of all objects; or change the filters property if the object type is a Conv2D.

Built on top of Symbolic.rebind, pg.patching is a sub-module of PyGlove for pattern-based object patching. Common patterns are supported such as:




Replaces objects assigned to certain keys (described by a regular expression) in the tree;


Replaces objects with certain paths (described by a regular expression) in the tree;


Replaces objects whose values match with the condition;


Replaces objects of specific types in the tree;


Replaces objects which are the members of a given type.

Rule-based mutations#

More complex symbolic mutations is achievable by using a transform function, which can be passed to Symbolic.rebind as rebinding rules. The function takes 3 inputs: the location, value and parent of a node to transform from the tree. The function returns the new value for that node.

For example:

TODO(daiyip): add examples.

Command-based mutations#

  • Manipuate object with user commands

  • introduce pg.patcher.

Sealing an Object#


Since a symbolic object can be created and modified at runtime, at times we want to track the origin of symbolic objects for the purposes of debugging. PyGlove introduces an Origin class, whose instance can be associated with a symbolic object during its creation. The Origin object contains stack information and the source form of the symbolic object, whether it’s a file path string, or an object from where current object is cloned. The user can also add origin information to objects using Symbolic.sym_setorigin and access it using Symbolic.sym_origin property.