Symbolic Types#

Symbolic types are the types of symbolic objects. This section provides an overview of the most commonly used symbolic types, and explains how they can be derived from regular types.

Symbolic Class#

Classes are the basic units of modern computer programs. PyGlove makes it easy to create symbolic classes from regular Python classes using two methods:


pg.symbolize on existing classes can fail: The flexibility of Python allows a user class to do a wide range of things. For example, the Python classes generated from Protocol Buffers do not allow themselves to be subclassed, while pg.symbolize requires inheritance to create symbolic types from existing ones. Another example is neural modeling library Flax, which keeps track of objects in the callstack of __init__, in order to figure out the containing layer for current layer. However, the generated symbolic class will change the __init__ callstack, which breaks the premise. In such cases, the user class may need to make some adjustments in order to make peace with PyGlove’s implementation on symbolization.

Defining a Dataclass-like Symbolic Class#

This is the simplest method for creating a symbolic class from scratch, which increases productivity by automatically generating the __init__ method and allowing access to symbolic attributes through object properties. To do this, users can extend pg.Object or a subclass and declare symbolic fields using pg.members.

For example:

    # Each tuple in the list defines a symbolic field for `__init__`.
    ('name', pg.typing.Str().noneable(), 'Name to greet'),
     pg.typing.Enum('morning', ['morning', 'afternnon', 'evening']),
     'Time of the day.')
class Greeting(pg.Object):

  def __call__(self):
    # Values for symbolic fields can be accessed
    # as public data members of the symbolic object.
    print('Good %s, %s' % (self.time_of_day,

# Create an object of Greeting and invoke it,
# which shall print 'Good morning, Bob'.

Understanding Symbolic Fields#

Symbolic fields define the names and acceptable values for a symbolic class’ __init__ method, thus defining its symbolic attributes. For a symbolic field x, users can access its corresponding symbolic attribute at runtime through the sym_init_args property, and also through object properties if the symbolic class is created by subclassing pg.Object.

Symbolic fields can be organized hierarchically, which is useful when there are many of them and can be grouped together for better organization. For example:

    ('training', pg.typing.Dict([
        ('dataset', pg.typing.Object(Dataset)),
        ('total_steps', pg.typing.Int())
    ('evaluation', pg.typing.Dict([
        ('dataset', pg.typing.Object(Dataset)),
        ('steps', pg.typing.Int())
class Trainer(pg.Object):

trainer = Trainer(

See Symbolic Validation for more details on symbolic field declaration.

Field Inheritance#

PyGlove allows for field inheritance for classes created by subclassing pg.Object or its subclasses. Fields from the base class will be inherited by the subclass in their order of declaration, and the subclass can override the inherited fields with stricter validation rules or different default values. For example:

    ('x', pg.typing.Int(max_value=10)),
    ('y', pg.typing.Float(min_value=0))
class Foo(pg.Object)

    ('x', pg.typing.Int(min_value=1, default=1)),
    ('z', pg.typing.Str().noneable())
class Bar(Foo)

# Printing Bar's schema will show that there are 3 parameters defined:
# x : pg.typing.Int(min_value=1, max_value=10, default=1))
# y : pg.typing.Float(min_value=0)
# z : pg.typing.Str().noneable()

Symbolizing a Regular Class#

There are several scenarios that you may want to use pg.symbolize to create symbolic classes:

  • You need to make an existing class symbolic;

  • You want to develop a class as usual and make it symbolic with minimal change;

  • You encounter a use case that needs to multi-inherit pg.Object and another class;

  • You need to subclass an already symbolized class.

Here is how pg.symbolize works: it generates a class by multi-inheriting pg.ClassWrapper (a pg.Object subclass) and your (regular) class. As a result, functionalities from both worlds can be combined.

pg.symbolize can be used as a decorator to make symbolic class developement simple:

class Foo:

  def __init__(self, x):
    self.x = x

Or it can be used as a function to symbolize a class without modifying the source code of the original classes:

class Foo:

  def __init__(self, x):
    self.x = x

SymbolicFoo = pg.symbolize(Foo)

To avoid name clash on object attributes, symbolic fields are only accessible via the sym_init_args property for symbolized classes.

Custom Behaviors#

There are a few behaviors you can customize during pg.symbolize via its arguments:

  • repr: default set to True`, whether to generate __repr__ and __str__ based on the symbolic representation of the object.

  • eq: default set to False, whether to generate __eq__, __ne__ and __hash__ based on the symbolic equality of objects.

  • class_name: class name used for the symbolized class. By default it uses the same name as the source class.

  • module_name: module name used for the symbolized class. By default it uses the same module name as the source class.

  • override: an optional dict that contains key value pairs to override the symbolized class’ attributes.

Enable Symbolic Validation#

Users can enable symbolic validation on class arguments by providing value specifications during pg.symbolize, similar to how it’s done with pg.members. This allows for automatic validation of the argument values on a symbolic object at the time of its creation and any subsequent manipulation:

SymbolicFoo = pg.symbolize(Foo, [
    ('x', pg.typing.Int())

# Raises: `x` should be an integer.

Class Inheritance#

A symbolized class can be subclassed, which automatically makes the subclass symbolic. For example, Bar is also a symbolized class since it subclasses Foo:

class Foo:
  def __init__(self, x):
    self._x = x

class Bar(Foo):
   def __init__(self, y):
     super().__init__(y ** 2)


There is a subtle difference between symbolic classes created by subclassing pg.Object and those created using pg.symbolize. While the former inherit symbolic fields from their base classes (like dataclasses.dataclass`), the latter do not. Instead, a symbolized class always has the same number of fields aligned with its __init__ signature. The field definitions passed to pg.symbolize can specify the validation rules or add metadata to the arguments, but cannot add new fields whose keys are absent from the __init__ signature. If default values are present in the signature, they will be checked against the fields when they are present and will be carried over to the fields if they are not specified.

Symbolic Function (Functor)#

A symbolic function (or functor) represents a symbolized Python function. Symbolic functions are subclasses of pg.Functor, which is a symbolic class with a __call__ method. Therefore, their instances are also symbolic objects, representing functions with bound arguments.

Functors vs. Regular Functions#

In Python, this is no language construct for representing a bound function. When a function is bound with values, it is immediatelly evaluated, leaving no runtime entity that captures the binding itself. For example:

def foo(x, y):
  return x + y

# Binding is evaluated immediately,
# and there is no long living object for a bound function.
assert foo(1, 2) == 3


functools.partial is commonly used to create partially bound functions that can be passed around, but it is not yet widely used to make bound functions and objects interchangeable and equal throughout a software system.

PyGlove introduces the concept of symbolic functions, which allows bound functions to be treated on par with objects. This means that bound functions can be created and manipulated using the same API as symbolic objects. Instead of invoking the function immediately at binding time, a symbolic function returns an object representing the binding. The user must then call the object separately to invoke the function’s body. This allows for greater flexibility and consistency in the way functions and objects are handled throughout a software system. For example:

def foo(x, y):
  return x + y

# `f` is a bound `foo` with (1, 2).
f = foo(1, 2)

# `f` needs to be explicitly called.

Creating Symbolic Functions#

Creating a symbolic function is simply to annotate it with pg.symbolize decorator, for example:

def foo(x, y, z):
  return x + y + z

If the function is defined in a source file that can be modified, you can also do:

foo = pg.symbolize(

Defining Validation Rules#

Similar as symbolic classes, users can also provide an optional specification for the validation rules for its arguments:

    ('x', pg.typing.Int(min_value=1)),
    ('z', pg.typing.Int(min_value=1))
def foo(x, y, z):

The specification is not required to cover all argument names. For ommited arguments, PyGlove’s runtime validation system treats them as :class:`pg.typing.Any <pyglove.typing.Any>`().

Handling Return Value#

Symbolic validation can be used not only to check the values of arguments, but also to validate the return value of a function or method. This allows for increased type safety and ensures that the function or method is returning the expected output. To validate the return value, we can do:

@pg.symbolize([], returns=pg.typing.Int(min_value=0, max_value=10))
def foo(x, y, z):

Handling *args#

We can add validation rule for variable positional argument by defining a field whose key is the name of the variable positional argument, and its value a pg.typing.List:

    ('args', pg.typing.List(pg.typing.Int(min_value=1)))
def bar(x, *args):

# Okay.
bar(1, 2, 3)
assert bar.sym_init_args.args == [2, 3]

# Not okay: 'abc' is not an integer.
bar(1, 'abc')

Handling **kwargs#

Similarly, we can add validation rules for variable keyword arguments. If we want to use a uniform rule for all keyword arguments, we can do the following:

    (pg.typing.StrKey('foo.*'), pg.typing.Int())
def bar(x, y, **kwargs):

# Okay: `foo1` can match with regular expression 'foo.*' and 3 is an integer.
bar(1, 2, foo1=3)

# Not okay: `s` is neither an argument nor acceptable
# by the regular expression 'foo.*'.
bar(1, 2, s=3)

# Not okay: 'abc' is not an integer.
bar(1, 2, foo2='abc')

Furthermore, if we want to specify validation rules separately based on the keyword, we can add multiple fields in the definition. For example:

    ('p', pg.typing.Int()),
    ('q', pg.typing.Str()),
    (pg.typing.StrKey(), pg.typing.Bool())
def bar(x, y, **kwargs)

# Okay: `p`, `q` are applied with separate validation rules
# instead of using the general keyword argument rules.
bar(1, 2, p=3, q='abc', r=True)

Advanced Binding#

Symbolic function supports a set of advanced binding capabilities.

Regular Binding#

Create a symbolic function instance with all arguments bound:

def foo(x, y, z):
  return x + y + z

f = foo(1, 2, 3)

Partial Binding#

Partially bind a symbolic function on some arguments:

# `f` is partially bound on `y`.
f = foo(y=1)

Incremental Binding#

Incremental binding can be done via attribute assignment:

f.x = 2


We can also override an existing bound argument:

f.x = 3

# Or:


Binding at Invocation Time#

A functor can be invoked via its __call__ method, with arguments that are not yet provided, or new values to override exisitng bound ones:

# Invoke functor with x=2 (incrementally bound), y=1 (early bound)
# and z=2.

# Invoke functor with x=1 (override existing value 2), y=1 (early bound)
# and z=2.
f(z=2, x=1, override_args=True)

# Raises: x is already bound.
f(z=2, x=1)


When f is called with arguments that is not yet bound, it only use the provided value for calling the function, without binding it. For example:

f(x=1, y=2)

# Call `f` with argument `z` which is not bound yet.

# Raises: `z` is required but not provided.

Other Operations#

The same as symbolic classes, symbolic operations can be applied to symbolic functions too. See Symbolic Operations for details.

Symbolic Container Types#

PyGlove provides pg.List and pg.Dict to address the symbolic needs for list and dict.

Symbolic List#

pg.List implements a list type whose instances are symbolically programmable. pg.List is


pg.List can be used as a regular list:

# Construct a symbolic list from an iterable object.
l = pg.List(range(10))

Symbolic Validation#

pg.List supports symbolic validation through the value_spec argument:

l = pg.List([1, 2, 3], value_spec=pg.typing.List(

# Raises: 0 is not in acceptable range.

See Symbolic Validation for more details.

Subscription to Changes#

Users can subscribe to subtree updates within pg.List:

def on_change(updates):

l = pg.List([{'foo': 1}], onchange_callaback=on_change)

# `on_change` will be triggered on item insertion.
l.append({'bar': 2})

# `on_change` will be triggered on item removal.

# `on_change` will also be triggered on subtree change.
l.rebind({'[0].bar': 3})


See Symbolic Operations for details.


Recursive Symbolic Conversion#

pg.List converts a regular list into its symbolic representation. Therefore, if the input list contains nested list or dict, they will be converted to instances of pg.List and pg.Dict respectively. For example:

regular_list = [
    [1, 2, 3],
    {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
symbolic_list = pg.List(regular_list)

# Nested lists and dicts are converted into symbolic ones.
assert isinstance(symbolic_list[0], pg.List)
assert isinstance(symbolic_list[1], pg.Dict)
Symbolic Hashing#

A regular list is not hashable, for example:

# Raises: a list is not hashable.
hash([1, 2, 3])

However, a symbolic list is hashable, whose hash value is computed based on the symbolic representations of its items. Therefore, two bindings with the same type and parameters will end up with the same hash value:

    ('x', pg.typing.Int())
class Foo(pg.Object):

assert hash(pg.List([Foo(1), Foo(2)])) == hash(pg.List([Foo(1), Foo(2)]))

Symbolic Dict#

Class pg.Dict implements a dict type whose instances are symbolically programmable. pg.Dict is

  • a subclass of the standard Python dict.

  • a subclass of class pg.Symbolic.


pg.Dict can be used as a regular dict with string keys:

# Construct a symbolic dict from key value pairs.
d = pg.Dict(x=1, y=2)


# Construct a symbolic dict from a mapping object.
d = pg.Dict({'x': 1, 'y': 2})


pg.Dict does not support non-string keys.

Attribute Access#

Besides regular items access using [], pg.Dict allows attribute access to its keys:

# Read access to key `x`.
assert d.x == 1

# Write access to key 'y'.
d.y = 1
Creating Hyper Dict#

pg.Dict is oftentimes used for constructing hyper values during prototyping, without introducing symbolic classes or functions:

space = pg.Dict(x=pg.oneof(range(10)), y=pg.floatv(0.1, 1.0))
example = next(pg.random_sample(space))
Symbolic Validation#

pg.Dict supports symbolic validation when the value_spec argument is provided:

d = pg.Dict(x=1, y=2, value_spec=pg.typing.Dict([
    ('x', pg.typing.Int(min_value=1)),
    ('y', pg.typing.Int(min_value=1)),
    (pg.typing.StrKey('foo.*'), pg.typing.Str())

# Okay: all keys started with 'foo' is acceptable and are strings.
d.foo1 = 'abc'

# Raises: 'bar' is not acceptable as keys in the dict. = 'abc'

See Symbolic Validation for more details.

Subscription to Changes#

Users can subscribe to subtree updates within pg.Dict:

def on_change(updates):

d = pg.Dict(x=1, onchange_callaback=on_change)

# `on_change` will be triggered on item insertion.
d['y'] = {'z': 1}

# `on_change` will be triggered on item removal.
del d.x

# `on_change` will also be triggered on subtree change.
d.rebind({'y.z': 2})

See Symbolic Operations for details.


Recursive Symbolic Conversion#

pg.Dict converts a regular dict into its symbolic representation. Therefore, if the input dict contains nested list or dict, they will be converted to instances of pg.List and pg.Dict respectively. For example:

regular_dict = {
    'a': [1, 2, 3],
    'b': {
        'x': 1,
        'y': 2
symbolic_dict = pg.Dict(regular_dict)

# Nested lists and dicts are converted into symbolic ones.
assert isinstance(symbolic_dict.a, pg.List)
assert isinstance(symbolic_dict.b, pg.Dict)
Symbolic Hashing#

A regular dict is not hashable, for example:

# Raises: a dict is not hashable.
hash({'x': 1, 'y': 2}})

However, a symbolic dict is hashable, whose hash value is computed based on the symbolic representations of its items. Therefore, two bindings with the same type and parameters will end up with the same hash value:

    ('x', pg.typing.Int())
class Foo(pg.Object):

assert hash(pg.Dict(x=Foo(1))) == hash(pg.Dict(x=Foo(1)))