
Symbolic typing.


To enable symbolic programmability on classes and functions, PyGlove intercepts the assignment operation on the attributes of symbolic objects, to achieve two goals:

  • Enable automatic type checking, value validation, conversion and transformation on attribute values. See Runtime typing for more details.

  • Allow symbolic attributes to be placeheld by special symbols, in order to represent abstract concepts such as a space of objects. E.g. hyper primitives like pg.oneof placeholds a symbolic attribute to create a space of values for that attribute. See Symbolic placeholding for more details.

Runtime typing#

Symbolic objects are intended to be manipulated after creation. Without a runtime typing system, things can go wrong easily. For instance, an int attribute which was mistakenly modified at early program stages can be very difficut to debug at later stages. PyGlove introduces a runtime type system that automatically validates symbolic objects upon creation and modification, minimizing boilerplated code for input validation, so the developer can focus on the main business logic.

Understanding Schema#

PyGlove’s runtime type system is based on the concept of Schema ( class pg.Schema), which defines what symbolic attributes are held by a symbolic type (e.g. a symbolic dict, a symbolic list or a symbolic class) and what values each attribute accepts. A Schema object consists of a list of Field (class pg.Field), which define the acceptable keys (class pg.KeySpec) and their values (class pg.ValueSpec) for these types. A Schema object is usually created automatically and associated with a symbolic type upon its declaration, through decorators such as pg.members, pg.symbolize or pg.functor. For example:

    ('x', pg.typing.Int(default=1)),
    ('y', pg.typing.Float().noneable())
class A(pg.Object):


    ('a', pg.typing.Int()),
    ('b', pg.typing.Float())
def foo(a, b):
  return a + b


The first argument of all the decorators takes a list of field definitions, with each described by a tuple of 4 items:

(key specification, value specification, doc string, field metadata)

The key specification and value specification are required, while the doc string and the field metadata are optional. The key specification defines acceptable identifiers for this field, and the value specification defines the attribute’s value type, its default value, validation rules. The doc string will serve as the description for the field, and the field metadata can be used for field-based code generation.

The following code snippet illustrates all supported KeySpec and ValueSpec subclasses and their usage with a manually created schema:

schema = pg.typing.create_schema([
    # Primitive types.
    ('a', pg.typing.Bool(default=True).noneable()),
    ('b', True),       # Equivalent to ('b', pg.typing.Bool(default=True)).
    ('c', pg.typing.Int()),
    ('d', 0),          # Equivalent to ('d', pg.typing.Int(default=0)).
    ('e', pg.typing.Int(
    ('f', pg.typing.Float()),
    ('g', 1.0),        # Equivalent to ('g', pg.typing.Float(default=0.0)).
    ('h', pg.typing.Str()),
    ('i', 'foo'),      # Equivalent to ('i', pg.typing.Str(default='foo').
    ('j', pg.typing.Str(regex='foo.*')),

    # Enum type.
    ('l', pg.typing.Enum('foo', ['foo', 'bar', 0, 1]))

    # List type.
    ('m', pg.typing.List(pg.typing.Int(), size=2, default=[])),
    ('n', pg.typing.List(pg.typing.Dict([
        ('n1', pg.typing.List(pg.typing.Int())),
        ('n2', pg.typing.Str().noneable())
    ]), min_size=1, max_size=10, default=[])),

    # Dict type.
    ('o', pg.typing.Dict([
        ('o1', pg.typing.Int()),
        ('o2', pg.typing.List(pg.typing.Dict([
            ('o21', 1),
            ('o22', 1.0),
        ('o3', pg.typing.Dict([
            # Use of regex key,
            (pg.typing.StrKey('n3.*'), pg.typing.Int())

    # Tuple type.
    ('p', pg.typing.Tuple([
        ('p1', pg.typing.Int()),
        ('p2', pg.typing.Str())

    # Object type.
    ('q', pg.typing.Object(A, default=A()))

    # Type type.
    ('r', pg.typing.Type(int))

    # Callable type.
    ('s', pg.typing.Callable([pg.typing.Int(), pg.typing.Int()],
                              kw=[('a', pg.typing.Str())])),

    # Functor type (same as Callable, but only for symbolic.Functor).
    ('t', pg.typing.Functor([pg.typing.Str()],
                             kwargs=[('a', pg.typing.Str())]))

    # Union type.
    ('u', pg.typing.Union([
    ], default=1),

    # Any type.
    ('v', pg.typing.Any(default=1))
Schema inheritance#

Symbolic attributes can be inherited during subclassing. Accordingly, the schema that defines a symbolic class’ attributes can be inherited too by its subclasses. The fields from the bases’ schema will be carried over into the subclasses’ schema, while the subclass can override, by redefining that field with the same key. The subclass cannot override its base classes’ field with arbitrary value specs, it must be overriding non-frozen fields with more restrictive validation rules of the same type, or change their default values. See pg.ValueSpec for more details.

The code snippet below illustrates schema inheritance during subclassing:

    ('x', pg.typing.Int(min_value=1)),
    ('y', pg.typing.Float()),
class A(pg.Object):

    # Further restrict inherited 'x' by specifying the max value, as well
    # as providing a default value.
    ('x', pg.typing.Int(max_value=5, default=2)),
    ('z', pg.typing.Str('foo').freeze())
class B(A):

assert B.__schema__.fields.keys() == ['x', 'y', 'z']

    # Raises: 'z' is frozen in class B and cannot be extended further.
    ('z', pg.typing.Str())
class C(B):

Automatic type conversions#

Type conversion is another mechanism to extend the typing system, which allows the user to register converters between types. So when a value is assigned to a attribute whose value specification does not match with the input value type, a conversion will take place automatically if there is a converter from the input value type to the type required by the value specification. For example:

class A:
  def __init__(self, str):
    self._str = str

  def __str__(self):
    return self._str

  def __eq__(self, other):
    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._str == other._str

pg.typing.register_converter(A, str, str)
pg.typing.register_converter(str, A, A)

assert pg.typing.Str().accept(A('abc')) == 'abc'
assert pg.typing.Object(A).accept('abc') == A('abc')

See pg.register_converter for more details.

Symbolic placeholding#

Symbolic placeholding enables scenarios that requires an abstract (non-material) representation of objects - for example - a search space or a partially bound object. Such objects with placeheld attributes can only be used symbolically, which means they can be symbolically queried or manipulated, but not yet materialized to execute the business logic. For example:

def foo(x, y):
  return x + y

f = f(x=pg.oneof(range(5)), y=pg.floatv(0.0, 2.0))

# Error: `x` and `y` are not materialized, thus the functor cannot be
# executed.

# But we can symbolically manipulated it:
f.rebind(x=1, y=2)

# Returns 3

Symbolic placeholding is achieved by the pg.CustomTyping interface, which was intended as a mechanism to extend the typing system horizontally without modifying the pg.ValueSpec of existing classes’ attributes.

This is done by allowing the CustomTyping subclasses to take over value validation and transformation from an attribute’s original ValueSpec via pg.CustomTyping method.

Following is an example of using CustomTyping to extend the schema system:

class FloatTensor(pg.typing.CustomTyping):

  def __init__(self, tensor):
    self._tensor = tensor

  def custom_apply(
      self, path, value_spec, allow_partial, child_transform):
    if isinstane(value_spec, pg.typing.Float):
      # Validate initial tensor, we can also add an TF operator to guard
      # tensor value to go beyond value_spec.min_value and max_value.
      # Shortcircuit .apply and returns object itself as final value.
      return (False, self)
      raise ValueError('FloatTensor can only be applied to float type.')

    ('x', pg.typing.Float())
class Foo(pg.Object):

# FloatTensor can be accepted for all symbolic attributes
# with Float value spec.
f = Foo(x=FloatTensor(tf.constant(1.0)))


