
Accessible via pg.evolution.Operation.

class Operation[source]#

Bases: pg.Object

Base class for evolutionary operations.

An evolutionary operation transforms a DNA list into another DNA list. This abstraction provides the flexibility to describe common evolutionary operations including but not limited to:

  • Selection: Select M parents from a population of size N.

  • Recombination: Generate M child candidates from N parents.

  • Mutation: Mutate the N child candidates one by one, each can produce one or K DNA, resulting in N * K child DNA.

Operations are compositional via the following operators:

x >> y:    Pipeline x and y by passing the output of x to y as input.
x + y:     Concatenate the outputs of x and y, based on the same input.
           Resulted list could contain duplicates.
x[m:n:p]   Slice x's output from m (inclusive) to n (exclusive) with step p.
x | y:     Union the outputs of x and y based on the same input.
           Resulted list will not contain duplicated items.
x & y:     Intersect the outputs of x and y, based on the same input.
           Resulted list will not contain duplicated items.
x - y:     Remove elements from x's output which also appears in y's output,
           based on the same input.
x ^ y:     Keep items that are either in x's output or in y's output, but
           not both. Duplicated items in x's output or in y's output will
           be preserved.
x * K:     Repeat operation x for K times based on the same input,
           concatenate their outputs.
x ** K:    Pipeline operation x for K times, equivalent to `x >> .. >> x`
           (`x` appears K times in the formula).
-x or ~x:  Compute the inversion of x's output based on the input.
           Equivalent to `Identity() - x`

x.if_true:   Conditionally apply x if predicate returns True.
x.if_false:  Conditionally apply x if predicate returns False.

Besides, the following operations are commonly used during composition:

Identity()           :   Returns the input DNA list.

Lambda(              :   Creates an Operation using lambda.
  lambda x: x[1:])

Choice([             :   Perform x, y based on probabilities.
  (x, prob1),
  (y, prob2)])

Conditional(         :   Perform x if input length > 5, otherwise y.
  lambda x: len(x) > 5,
  x, y)

UntilChange(x)       :   Repeat x until its output changes from the input.

ElementWise(         :   Perform element-wise operation and concatenate.
  lambda x: sorted(x))

Flatten()            :   Flatten nested lists into a flat list.

GlobalStateGetter(   :   Fetch global state by key 'species'.

GlobalStateSetter(   :   Set global state by key 'species' from input.

The operand in compositional operations supports callable objects in signature (List[DNA], int) -> List[DNA]. For example:

pg.evolution.selectors.Last(50) >> (lambda x, s: x[:2])



Returns a global state setter based on the key.

call(inputs, global_state[, step])

Subclasses should override this method.


Flatten output with a max level.


For each element in the output perform the operation.


Returns a global state getter based on the key.


Conditionally applies current operation when predicate returns False.


Conditionally applies current operation when predicate returns True.

set_global_state(key, value)

Set global state and return current output.


Ensure current operation will change the inputs.

with_prob(probability[, seed])

With probability.



Retuns the input element type.


Returns a member method as operation.


Retuns the output element type.


Returns a global state setter based on the key.

call(inputs, global_state, step=0)[source]#

Subclasses should override this method.

The global_state and step are optional for the subclasses’ call signature.

Return type:


  • inputs – A list of values as inputs.

  • global_state – An AttributeDict object as the global state container, which is readable/writable during the operation.

  • step – Number of examples historically proposed, which can be used for determining a cross over schedule.


A list of values as output of current operation.


Flatten output with a max level.


For each element in the output perform the operation.


Returns a global state getter based on the key.


Conditionally applies current operation when predicate returns False.


predicate – The predicate that takes the outputs from the previous operation as input, with optional keyword arguments global_state and step. Returns False if current operation needs to be enabled. Otherwise no operation will be performed.


A conditional operation.


Conditionally applies current operation when predicate returns True.


predicate – The predicate that takes the outputs from the previous operation as input, with optional keyword arguments global_state and step. Returns True if current operation needs to be enabled. Otherwise no operation will be performed.


A conditional operation.

property input_element_type: None | Type[Any] | Tuple[Type[Any]][source]#

Retuns the input element type. Subclasses can override.

property operation_method: Callable[[...], List[Any]][source]#

Returns a member method as operation.

property output_element_type: None | Type[Any] | Tuple[Type[Any]][source]#

Retuns the output element type. Subclasses can override.

set_global_state(key, value)[source]#

Set global state and return current output.


Ensure current operation will change the inputs.

with_prob(probability, seed=None)[source]#

With probability.