
Accessible via pg.patch, pg.patching.patch.

patch(value, rule)[source]#

Apply patches to a symbolic value.

Return type:


  • value – A symbolic value to patch.

  • rule

    A patching rule is one of the following: 1) A dict of symbolic paths to the new values. 2) A rebind function defined by signature (k, v) or (k, v, p).

    1. A pg.patching.Patcher object.

    2. A URL-like string representing an instance of a register Patcher. The format is “<patcher_name>?<arg1>&<arg2>=<val2>”.

    3. A list of the mixtures of above.


Value after applying the patchers. If any patcher returned a new value (by returning a single-item dict that containing ‘’ as key), the return value will be a different object other than value, otherwise value will be returned after applying the patches.


ValueError – Error if the patch name and arguments cannot be parsed successfully.