
Accessible via pg.typing.get_arg_fields.

get_arg_fields(signature, args=None, args_docstr=None)[source]#

Get schema fields for the arguments from a function or method signature.

Return type:


  • signature – A Signature object.

  • args

    (Optional) explicit value specifications for the arguments, which is a list of tuples in: (<argumment-name>, <value-spec>, [description], [metadata-objects]).

    • argument-name - a string or a StrKey object. This name must exist in the signature’s argument list, unless the signature has a **kwargs, where the argument name can be an acceptable key in the dict that is passed to the **kwargs. If the argument name is a StrKey object, it specifies a field that matches any keys beyond the regular arguments for the **kwargs.

    • value-spec - a ValueSpec object asssociate with the argument name.

    • description - an optional string as the description for the argument.

    • metadata-objects - an optional list of any type, which can be used to generate code according to the schema.

  • args_docstr – (Optional) a dict of argument names to pg.object_utils.DocStrArgument object. If present, they will be used as the description for the Field objects.


Field objects for the arguments from the signature in declaration order. If an argument is not present in args, it will be considered an Any. Otherwise it will create a Field from the explicit specifications. Default values for the arguments will be automatially propagated from the signature to the fields.

  • KeyError – If argument names defined in args does not match with the arguments from the signature.

  • TypeError – The value spec defined in args is not compatible with the value spec inspected from the signature.

  • ValueError – The value spec defined in args does not align with the default values from the signature.